
Smart - Clever

Important - Essential

Good - Excellent

Stupid - Dumb

Irrelevant - Useless

Complete - Perfect

Bad - Inferior

Interesting - Fascinating

Exact - Specific

Awful - Horrible

Commonplace - Boring

Suitable - Uniform

Amazing: astounding, surprising, stunning

Fertile, fruitful, abundant, productive

Polite: courteous, cordial, gracious

Annihilation: destruction, carnage, extinction

Gargantuan: colossal, mammoth, tremendous

Portion: piece, part, segment

Benefit: profit, revenue, yield

Hungry: empty, ravenous, starved

Risky: dangerous, perilous, treacherous

Brave: courageous, valiant, heroic

Injured: damaged, wounded, harmed

Sleepy: drowsy, listless, sluggish

Cohesive: united, connected, close-knit

Intelligent: brilliant, clever, smart

Senseless: absurd, illogical, unreasonable

Cunning: keen, sharp, slick

Kindle: ignite, inflame, burn

Tumultuous: hectic, raucous, turbulent

Destitute: poor, bankrupt, impoverished

Loyal: faithful, ardent, devoted

Vacant: empty, deserted, uninhabited

Deterioration: pollution, defilement, adulteration

Old: elderly, aged, senior

Veracity: authenticity, credibility, truthfulness

Enormous: huge, gigantic, massive

Organization: association, institution, management

Wet: damp, moist, soggy

Feisty: excitable, fiery, lively

Partner: associate, colleague, companion

Young: budding, fledgling,tenderfoot

·         Afraid, scared, frightened

·         Automobile, car, vehicle

·         Big, large, huge

·         Blank, empty, hollow

·         Bunny, rabbit, hare

·         Cap, hat

·         Center, middle, inside

·         Couch, sofa, divan

·         Evil, bad, wicked

·         Famous, well-known

·         Father, dad, daddy

·         Funny, silly, playful, crazy

·         Garbage, trash, junk, waste

·         Gloomy, sad, unhappy

·         Happy, glad, joyful, cheerful

·         Hide, cover

·         House, home

·         Ill, sick, unwell

·         Idea, thought

·         Jog, run

·         Listen, hear

·         Little, small, tiny

·         Look, see, glance, stare

·         Mad, angry, furious

·         Mother, mom, mommy

·         Neat, tidy, clean

·         Present, gift, reward, award

·         Quick, fast, swift

·         Quiet, calm

·         Rest, relax

·         Rock, stone

·         Rug, carpet, mat

·         Sack, bag, backpack

·         Sniff, smell, inhale

·         Strange, odd, weird

·         Tall, high, big

·         True, right, correct

·         Under, below, beneath

·         Woman, lady, female

·         Yell, shout, scream


absent - present

abundant - scarce

accept - decline, refuse

accurate - inaccurate

admit - deny

advantage - disadvantage

against - for

agree - disagree

alive - dead

all - none, nothing

ally - enemy

always - never

ancient - modern

answer - question

antonym - synonym

apart - together

appear - disappear, vanish

approve - disapprove

arrive - depart

artificial - natural

ascend - descend

attic - cellar

attractive - repulsive

awake - asleep

dangerous - safe

dark - light

day - night

daytime - nighttime

dead - alive

decline - accept, increase

decrease - increase

deep - shallow

definite - indefinite

demand - supply

despair - hope

dim - bright

disappear - appear

discourage - encourage

diseased - healthy

down - up

downwards - upwards

dreary - cheerful

dry - moist, wet

dull - bright, shiny

dusk - dawn

happy - sad

hard - easy

hard - soft

harmful - harmless

harsh - mild

hate - love

haves - have-nots

healthy - diseased, ill, sick

heaven - hell

heavy - light

help - hinder

here - there

hero - coward

high - low

hill - valley

hinder - help

honest - dishonest

horizontal - vertical

hot - cold

humble - proud

mad - happy, sane

major - minor

many - few

mature - immature

maximum - minimum

melt - freeze

merry - sad

messy - neat

minor - major

minority - majority

miser - spendthrift

misunderstand - understand

more - less

nadir - zenith

narrow - wide

near - far, distant

neat - messy, untidy

never - always

new - old

night - day

nighttime - daytime

no - yes

noisy - quiet

none - some

north - south

qualified - unqualified

question - answer

quiet - loud, noisy

safe - unsafe

same - opposite

satisfactory - unsatisfactory

scatter - collect

second-hand - new

secure - insecure

separate - join, together

serious - trivial

shallow - deep

shrink - grow

sick - healthy, ill

simple - complex, hard

singular - plural

sink - float

slim - fat, thick

slow - fast

sober - drunk

soft - hard

some - none

sorrow - joy

sour - sweet

sow -reap

start - finish

stop - go

straight - crooked

strict - lenient

strong - weak


backward - forward

bad - good

beautiful - ugly

before - after

begin - end

below - above

bent - straight

best - worst

better - worse, worst

big - little, small

bitter - sweet

black - white

blame - praise

bless - curse

bold - meek, timid

borrow - lend

bottom - top

bound - unbound, free

boundless - limited

boy - girl

brave - cowardly

bright - dim, dull

brighten - fade

broad - narrow

build - destroy

early - late

east - west

easy - hard, difficult

empty - full

encourage - discourage

end - begin, start

enter - exit

even - odd

expand - contract

export - import

exterior - interior

external - internal

generous - stingy

gentle - rough

get - give

giant - tiny, small, dwarf

girl - boy

give - receive, take

glad - sad, sorry

gloomy - cheerful

go - stop

good - bad, evil

grant - refuse

great - tiny, small, unimportant

grow - shrink

guest - host

guilty - innocent

ill - healthy, well

immense - tiny, small

important - trivial

in - out

include - exclude

increase - decrease

inferior - superior

inhale - exhale

inner - outer

inside - outside

intelligent - stupid, unintelligent

intentional - accidental

interesting - boring

interesting - dull, uninteresting

interior - exterior

internal - external

obedient - disobedient

odd - even

offer - refuse

old - new

old - young

on - off

open - closed, shut

opposite- same, similar

optimist - pessimist

out - in

outer - inner

over - under

past - present

patient - impatient

peace - war

permanent - temporary

plentiful - scarce

plural - singular

poetry - prose

polite - rude, impolite

possible - impossible

poverty - wealth, riches

powerful - weak

pretty - ugly

private - public

prudent - imprudent

pure - impure, contaminated

push - pull

under - over

unfold - fold

unknown - known

unqualified - qualified

unsafe - safe

up - down

upside-down - right-side-up

upstairs - downstairs

us - them

useful - useless

vacant - occupied

vanish - appear

vast - tiny

victory - defeat

virtue - vice

visible - invisible

voluntary - compulsory

yes - no

yin - yang

young - old

zenith - nadir

zip - unzip

sweet - sour

synonym - antonym


calm - windy, troubled

can - cannot, can't

capable - incapable

captive - free

careful - careless

cheap - expensive

cheerful - sad, discouraged, dreary

clear - cloudy, opaque

clever - stupid

clockwise - counterclockwise

close - far, distant

closed - ajar, open

clumsy - graceful

cold - hot

combine - separate

come - go

comfort - discomfort

common - rare

compulsory - voluntary

conceal - reveal

contract - expand

cool - warm

correct - incorrect, wrong

courage - cowardice

courteous - discourteous, rude

create - destroy

crooked - straight

cruel - kind

fade - brighten

fail - succeed

false - true

famous - unknown

far - near

fast - slow

fat - thin

feeble - strong, powerful

few - many

find - lose

first - last

float - sink

fold - unfold

foolish - wise

for - against

fore - aft

forget - remember

fortunate - unfortunate

found - lost

free - bound, captive

frequent - seldom

fresh - stale

friend - enemy

full - empty

join - separate

junior - senior

just - unjust

justice - injustice

knowledge - ignorance

known - unknown

landlord - tenant

large - small

last - first

laugh - cry

lawful - unlawful, illegal

lazy - industrious

leader - follower

left - right

lend -borrow

lengthen - shorten

lenient - strict

less - more

light - dark, heavy

like - dislike, hate

likely - unlikely

limited - boundless

little - big

long - short

loose - tight

lose - find

loss - win

loud - quiet

love - hate

low - high

loyal - disloyal

raise - lower

rapid - slow

rare - common

real - fake

regular - irregular

rich - poor

right - left, wrong

right-side-up - upside-down

rough - smooth

rude - courteous

take - give

tall - short

tame - wild

them - us

there - here

thick - thin

tight - loose, slack

tiny - big, huge

together - apart

top - bottom

tough - easy, tender

transparent - opaque

true - false

truth - falsehood, lie, untruth

war - peace

wax - wane

weak - strong

wet - dry

white - black

wide - narrow

win - lose

wisdom - folly, stupidity

within - outside

wrong - right

success - failure

sunny - cloudy

Achieve - Fail

Giant - Dwarf

Random - Specific

Afraid - Confident

Gloomy - Cheerful

Rigid - Flexible

Ancient - Modern

Individual - Group

Shame - Honor

Arrive - Depart

Innocent - Guilty

Simple - Complicated

Arrogant - Humble

Knowledge - Ignorance

Single - Married

Attack - Defend

Liquid - Solid

Sunny - Cloudy

Blunt - Sharp

Marvelous - Terrible

Timid - Bold

Brave - Cowardly

Noisy - Quiet

Toward - Away

Cautious - Careless

Partial - Complete

Tragic - Comic

Complex - Simple

Passive - Active

Transparent - Opaque

Crazy - Sane

Permanent - Unstable

Triumph - Defeat

Crooked - Straight

Plentiful - Sparse

Union - Separation

Demand - Supply

Positive - Negative

Unique - Common

Destroy - Create

Powerful - Weak

Upset - Relaxed

Divide - Unite

Praise - Criticism

Urge - Deter

Drunk - Sober

Private - Public

Vacant - Occupied

Expand - Contract

Problem - Solution

Vague - Definite

Freeze - Boil

Professional - Amateur

Villain - Hero

Full - Empty

Profit - Loss

Wax - Wane

Generous - Stingy

Quality - Inferiority

Wealth - Poverty

·         Add - Subtract

·         Above - Below

·         After - Before

·         Awake - Asleep

·         Bad - Good

·         Better - Worse

·         Big - Little

·         Birth - Death

·         Boy - Girl

·         Clean - Dirty

·         Close - Open

·         Cold - Hot

·         End - Begin

·         Dark - Light

·         Day - Night

·         Even - Odd

·         Fail - Pass

·         False - True

·         Float - Sink

·         East - West

·         Fat - Skinny

·         Hungry - Full

·         Gentle - Rough

·         Happy - Sad

·         Hard - Soft

·         Heavy - Light

·         High - Low

·         In - Out

·         Last - First

·         Laugh - Cry

·         Learn - Teach

·         Less - More

·         Lie - Truth

·         Long - Short

·         Loose - Tight

·         Lost - Found

·         Love - Hate

·         North - South

·         On - Off

·         Over - Under

·         Play - Work

·         Polite - Rude

·         Poor - Rich

·         Present - Absent

·         Top - Bottom

·         Quick - Slow

·         Raise - Lower

·         Right - Wrong

·         Rise - Sink

·         Rough - Smooth

·         Same - Different

·         Sell - Buy

·         Short - Long

·         Sour - Sweet

·         Start - Stop

·         Stay - Leave

·         Stop - Go

·         Strong - Weak

·         Teacher - Student

·         Tidy - Messy

·         True - False

·         Ugly - Beautiful

·         Up - Down

·         White - Black

·         Wild - Tame

·         Win - Lose

·         Well - Sick

·         Wet - Dry

·         Young - Old

Homonym Examples

Homonyms are words that have the same spelling and sound the same but have different meanings. While this can be a tricky concept to explain, posting a nice list in the classroom may prove beneficial. Here's a healthy list of homonyms to start the conversation:

Bear - a large mammal

Bear - to be able to cope with something

Book - to reserve a hotel room or a table at a restaurant

Book - pages bound together with a cover

Cave - to give in or surrender

Cave - a hole or gap in a rock or in earth

Chair - an item of furniture

Chair - the head of a department

Change - to replace the clothes you are wearing with another outfit

Change - money given back after a purchase

Cool - chilly in temperature

Cool - someone trendy or popular

Crane - a large type of bird

Crane - a mechanical device used for lifting

Deck - a pack of playing cards

Deck - a floor or platform extended from a building or ship

Duck - a type of bird

Duck - to lower your head or body to avoid being hit by something

Even - numbers divisible by two

Even - flat and level surface

Fall - to drop down

Fall- the season between summer and winter

Club- a heavy stick used as a weapon

Club - a group of people with something in common

Fire - to let someone go from a job

Fire - flames, something burning

Groom - to make tidy in appearance

Groom - the man who is about to get married

Gross - disgusting

Gross - large

Jam - stuck

Jam - spread made from fruit and sugar

Key - scale of musical notes

Key - device used to lock or unlock a door

Left - one side of the body

Left - what is remaining of something

Light - to set fire

Light - pale in color

Line - measure of length

Line - verse in a poem or story

Man - male person

Man - to brace or fortify

Match - competitive sporting event

Match - a device used to start a fire

Nail - the end plate of your finger or toe

Nail - sharp piece of metal for holding things together

Park - area used for recreation

Park - to leave a vehicle in a space for a while

Pen - an instrument for writing

Pen - type of enclosure for animals

Seal - a type of mammal

Seal - a tight closure

Show - to display

Show - a type of broadcast

Sign - omen

Sign - to write your signature on something to make it official

Tank - military vehicle

Tank- container used to store liquid

Tire - rubber covering of a wheel

Tire - to become weary or bored

Trip - to stumble

Trip - a journey

Wave - move your hand sideways to say hello

Wave - a movement in water

Watch - a wearable timepiece

Watch - to look carefully

Yard - space around a house

Yard - measurement of length